The participation of 6 teams from the Research Cell in the Zonal round of Aavishkar - Research Convention 2024 at the University of Mumbai marked a significant event. The event, held on Friday, 13th December 2024, brought together a wide range of innovative ideas and research projects. The convention provided an excellent platform for students to present their research work, gain valuable feedback, and learn from the presentations of others. The Research idea titled “SWATCHNET” was qualified for Podium round whereas, Ms. Ridhisha Tarkari the Ph.D Scholor presented her idea in poster round. Overall, Aavishkar 2024 was not just about competition but also about fostering a collaborative and supportive research community. It was a great learning experience for the students, enabling them to grow both academically and professionally by sharing their innovative ideas and understanding the research projects of others.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known
In association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), the Research Cell organized a Students' Research Paper Presentation Competition titled “Divulging into the World of Research” on Thursday, 29th August 2024. There were 20 groups of students from various programs, like BMS B.Com (Accounting and Finance), B.Sc. (Computer Science), B.Sc. (Information Technology). The judge for the day was Dr. Manisha Divate, Faculty, Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Arts, Science. Students participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The idea was to inculcate research aptitude among the students, allow them to present their innovative ideas on various research topics, and participate in the Aavishkar (Research Paper Presentation Competition) at the University of Mumbai.
First Position - SYIT - A
Gauri Guram
Jayesh Hegde
Harshita Pal
Bhushan Salkar
Amaan Ansari
Second Position - TYBAF - A
Riddhi V Solanki
Aabas P Parkar
Aman Madhiwal
Mamta Choudhary
Second Position - TYCS - A
Dilip Prajapati
Tanmai Shejwal
Vishant Pasi
Ankur Thorat
Third Position - SYBMS - A
Gautam Chauhan
Nirpraj Badela
Exploit the AI quote far beyond its scope
Research Cell in collaboration with St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai (Empowered Autonomous Institute) organized a national level workshop on Joy of Research titled “Ethical Use of AI Tools in Research ''on Thursday, 11th July 2024. Dr. Richa Jain, Associate Professor and Head, Center for Teaching and Learning, IIM -Udaipur was the resource person for the workshop. She highlighted the ethical use of AI tools in Plagiarism, Review of Literature, Questionnaire drafting, etc. The objective of AI assistance in research was achieved through this workshop. 223 participants benefited from this workshop.
The Research Cell and IPR Cell organised a National Level Conference on “A Multidisciplinary Approach on Entrepreneurship Growth and Competitiveness in the Digital Era” on Thursday, 25 th April 2024. About 72 participants were registered for the conference out of which 8 shortlisted participants presented their Research Papers. During the inaugural function welcome speech was delivered by Ms. Swiddle D’Cunha, I/C Principal of the college, and opening remarks were given by Dr. Poonam Kakkad, IQAC Co-ordinator. The Technical Session was moderated by Dr. Neha Goel, Ph.D Guide of DTSS College. The Research Papers presented were on different topics like Rural Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Business in Horticulture, Cloud Kitchen as a new platform for the hotel industry, Youth perception towards developing entrepreneurial skills and financial literacy, etc. Dr. Neha Goel shared her views and inputs with the participants. Further, in the valedictory function Dr. Sis Candy D’Cunha, Associate Professor of Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology was invited as a Guest of Honour. She addressed the audience with her expertise and words of wisdom. The research papers submitted by the participants will be published in conference proceedings.
The Research and IPR cell organised an International Level Online course work on Research Methodology from Friday, 26th April, 2024 till Friday, 3rd may, 2024 from 11am - 1pm. The objective of this course work was to empower participants with the essential knowledge and strategies for successful research in Ph.D. A total of 93 enthusiastic participants from across the countries joined the session. Attendees derived substantial benefits, gaining insights into effective strategies for research methodology. 7 resource persons offered valuable guidance, empowering participants to elevate scholar’s research works. Overall, the session proved to be highly fruitful, contributing to the professional growth of all involved.
The IQAC, Research cell and IPR cell organised a webinar on IPR Awareness in collaboration with the National IP Awareness Mission. Ms. Jaspreet Kaur was invited as a Resource Person and around 50 students benefited by the webinar. The resource person highlighted the relevance of IPR in today competitive market, the importance of filing patents etc. The session was highly appreciated by the students, as it not only enhanced their awareness but also provided them with practical insights that can be applied in their academic pursuits and future careers. The steps to file the patents was also explained in
Meaningful research through Meta-analysis
Research and IPR Cell organized a National Level Webinar on “Meta Analysis” on Tuesday, 6th February 2024 from 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm. The resource person was Dr. Jaspreet Kaur Bhasin, Associate Professor at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi. 81 participants attended the webinar from different parts of India, namely - Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, etc. The insights were given on how secondary data-based research papers will help with SLR and quantitative literature review. The objective was to validate the process of secondary research with the use of meta analysis.
The Research and IPR cell organized a National Level Webinar on Publication in ABDC journals titled "Enhancing Your ABDC Journal Publication Potentials" on January 23, 2024. Dr. Janarthanan Balakrishnan, an expert with an MBA, UGC-Net (JRF), and a PhD (NITT), served as the resource person. The primary objective of this webinar was to empower participants with the essential knowledge and strategies for successful publication in ABDC journals.
A total of 112 enthusiastic participants from across the nation joined the session. Attendees derived substantial benefits, gaining insights into effective strategies for ABDC journal publication. Dr. Balakrishnan's expertise offered valuable guidance, empowering participants to elevate their publication potentials.
Overall, the session proved to be highly fruitful, contributing to the professional growth of all involved.
The Research Cell of the college encourages students to participate in the Aavishkar Research Convention in December 2023. Altogether, four (3 UG and 1 PG) groups (12 students) participated in a zonal round of Aavishkar, out of which 2 of them won for the Podium round at Zonal. Further, both groups participated in the Poster presentation round at the University of Mumbai. 1 candidate (Ms. Ridhisha Tarkari) was selected for the podium presentation. The following students participated:
Topic name: Bascart: Developing an E-Basket System for Enhanced In-Store
Shopping Experience (S.Y.B.Sc.CS)
1. Prajapati Dilip Jaisaram
2. Shejwal Tanmai Deepak
3. Pasi Vishant Chandrashekar
4. Thorat Ankur Balshiram
Topic name: A study on the impact of OTT platforms on the psychology of
teenagers (S.Y.BMS)
1. Shah Nishita Nirav
2. Shah Vaishvi Shirin
3. Rebello Pearl Sebastian
4. Kinny Neoleen Dixon
Topic Name: Fake News Detector (S.Y.B.Sc.IT)
1. Shiravdeka r Atharv Ankush
2. Maragatha Shrinivas Arumugam
3. Mahendra Maitri Suthar
Topic Name: A study of Cloud Kitchen to be the future of food industry (Ph.D)
1. Tarkari Ridhisha Rohan
Let people know about your research!
Research Cell of the college in association with St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Mumbai organised a National Level Workshop on The Joy of Research titled “Building Online Presence: Tools and Techniques For Researchers'' on Monday, 4th September, 2023, from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Resource person for the event was Dr. Santosh C. Hulagabali, Librarian, Central University of Haryana, Haryana. The total number of participants was 203, belonging to various states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, etc. Participants learned about academic writing tools like Plumx, Almetric, Google Scholar, Research Gate, Zotero, Citeulike, Twitter, Facebook, Mendeley, LinkedIn, etc.
Research Cell in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), organized a Students Research Paper Presentation Competition titled “Unveiling the Research Skills” on Monday, 21st August, 2023. There were ten groups of students from various programmes, like BMS, B.Sc. (Computer Science), B.Sc. (Information Technology). The judges for the day were Dr. Swapnali Lotlikar, faculty from Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Arts, Science and Commerce and Dr. Neha Goel. Students participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The best three groups were awarded certificates and will get an opportunity to participate in the Aavishkar (Research Paper Presentation Competition) at the University of Mumbai. The idea was to inculcate research aptitude among the students and give them an opportunity to present their innovative ideas on various research topics.
The Research Cell in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college organized a National Level Webinar titled “Development of Research Instrument” on Saturday, 12th August, 2023 from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm. The resource person for the day was Dr. Sunil Budhiraja, Assistant Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. The resource person gave insight on research terminologies, types of research, research process, types of research instruments, scaling concepts, construct development and validation and psychometrics of a construct. Total number of participants were 202 belonging to various states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Telangana, Delhi, etc. The participants have learned about the various research instruments that can be used while undertaking the research work.
7 days National Level Research Methodology Workshop in Collaboration with University of Mumbai and St. Xavier’s (Autonomous) College (Wednesday, 24th May to Wednesday, 31st May 2023)
The IQAC and Research Cell of Nirmala Memorial Foundation College in collaboration with University of Mumbai and St. Xavier’s (Autonomus) College organised a 7 days National Level Research Methodology Workshop. Altogether 113 participants registered for the workshop. The participants are from different universities whereas, some of them are from Goa and Madhya Pradesh too. The objective of the research Methodology workshop is :
Inaugural Function:
Dr. Rajendra Shinde, Principal of St. Xavier’s (Autonomous) College gave opening remarks for the workshop whereas, Dr. Poonam Kakkad, IQAC Co-ordinator from NMFC welcomed the guests and participants. Dr. Sis Candy, the Chief Guest for the workshop gave best wishes and addressed the audience. She highlighted the relevance of Research in academics.
Day 1:
Prof. Madhu Arora was the first Resource Person of the workshop. However, knowing the crowd she started with basic steps and types in research. Resource Person emphasized on identifying the dependent and independent variables and also how to identify the variables. Participants were actively involved in discussion with the Resource Person.
Day 2:
Dr. Anuradha J. Bakshi shared her expertise in the field of Review of Literature. She shared the examples from different journals and online research papers. Also, she highlighted the references at the end of the research. Participants highly appreciated the session.
Day 3:
Dr. Yagnesh Dalvadi, was invited to guide participants about framing hypotheses based on their research topic. He also pondered upon the framing of questionnaires for collection of primary data. He mentioned a few websites wherein, the link of the questionnaire can be shared and allow respondents to fill up the same.
Day 4:
Dr. Sujata Rajpurkar, Librarian was invited to speak on “Academic honesty in Research”. She explained the ethics in research and how to avoid the faulty practices while conducting research. The concept of Plagiarism was explained in detail and different software available was also introduced to the participants.
Day 5:
Dr. Manojkumar was invited to talk on the topic “Parametric Test”. He gave the gist of all the parametric tests used in research. Also, the outcome and introduction of data was discussed in brief. Sir, gave some case studies to understand the concepts clearly. At the end, the doubts of participants were clarified by the resource person.
Day 6:
Dr. Seema Malik was invited to talk on the topic “ Non Parametric Test”. She used “Megastats” , the add-on feature of excel, to explain various techniques for Non Parametric Test. Since participants were told prior to download the software, they were able to do it simultaneously along with the resource person.
Day 7 :
Dr. Dr. Anindita Chatterjee Rao, was invited to deliver a talk on the topic “Tools and Techniques for Research”. She introduced different statistical techniques that can be used depending on the data. Also, briefly she showed the usage of SPSS for analysing the data. Participants appreciated her session.
After completion of the Research Workshop an objective oriented test was conducted to know the learnings of participants. The grades were given to the participants based on their scores in the test.
Click here to check for recorded sessions :
The IQAC and Research Cell of the college in collaboration with Garware Institute of Career Education and Development organised a virtual one day workshop on “Partial Least Squares” on Friday, 12th May 2023. Dr. Keyurkumar Nayak, Director of Garware Institute was invited to conduct the workshop. The workshop was divided into three sessions to have hands-on practise on the software. Around 60 participants actively participated in the workshop and it was highly appreciated.
Webinar on Research in Commerce and Management : Some Contemporary Ideas
Research Cell organised a webinar on “Research Philosophy” on 15th April 2023. Mr. Atul Sathe was invited to address the participants on topics like variables, objectives and hypothesis formation, and different methodology that can be adopted to conduct the research. Around 85 participants joined in for the session and appreciated the talk.
The IQAC and Research Cell of Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce and Science (NMFC) in Collaboration with the University of Mumbai and the Department of MBA of Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology (ALIET) organised a one-day International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approach to Innovation Prospects and Challenges in Modern Business Landscape. The conference was scheduled for Saturday, 29th April 2023. About 50 participants registered for the conference and 16 full-length research papers were submitted by the researchers. The papers were received from different states like Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and many more.
In the inaugural function, the principal of NMFC addressed the audience about the objective and theme of the conference and Father Ravindra from ALIET gave the opening remarks. Whereas, Mr. Manoj Chouhan, Vice President (Borivali Zone) of Adani was the Chief Guest for the function and addressed the audience with his expertise. Also, Dr. Rajesh Modi was a keynote speaker for the inaugural and shared his views on the conference.
The two technical sessions were conducted simultaneously and selected researchers were shortlisted to present their ideas. Technical Session 1 was hosted by (ALIET) wherein 4 researchers presented their idea. The session was chaired by Dr. C B Venkata Krishna Prasad. The best presenter award was presented to Ms. Ninoshka D’Silva. Technical Session 2 was hosted by (NMFC) where 6 researchers presented their ideas. The session was chaired by Dr. Yagnesh Dalvadi. Ms. Riddhisha Tarkari received the first best research presenter award and the second award was shared between Mr.Ramu, Mr. Padasare, Javeed, and Vishwa.
IQAC in co-ordination with Research Cell organised a webinar on Pathways to effective publication. The workshop was organised on Saturday, 25th March 2023 and Dr. Keyurkumar Nayak, Director of Garware Institute of Career Education and Development, University of Mumbai was the Resource Person for the session. Around 120 participants joined the session. A highlight was given about how the research paper can be made from theoretical framework and further the publication of research papers in various journals. The session was highly appreciated by the participants.
IQAC in co-ordination with Research Cell organised The Joy of Research. The workshop was organised on Monday, 21st March 2023 wherein, 2 sessions were conducted. The workshop received huge participation of researchers from all over the country. Around 200 participants attended the workshop and appreciated the knowledge shared by the speakers. The sessions conducted were:
1. The research process
2. The Funding Agencies and research proposal making
The Research Cell in collaboration with Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India organized a One Day online webinar on IPR Awareness. The separate webinar was arranged for teachers and students. Around 120 teachers and 150 students joined in for the webinar. The sessions were organised on 19th November 2022. Both the sessions were highly appreciated by the audience.
The research cell promoted the intercollegiate research paper presentation competition organized by University of Mumbai in December 2022. Two groups from the college participated in the competition. Following were the details of the group:
1. Paws Patrol – F.Y.B.Sc.CS (UG Level)
2. Fast Fashion – M.Com – I (PG Level)
The students got a platform to present their idea in presence of experts in the field of research and also got the exposure to the University level competition.
Research cell organized research paper presentation competition on Monday 19th September 2022 to enhance the skills of research among students. Around 10 students participated in the event. The students in group need to present their research and highlight their suggestions. Best three participants were given an opportunity to participate in Intercollegeiate Paper Presentation Competition - Aavishkar of University of Mumbai
Research Cell along with IQAC organised a session on "How to write an effective research paper?" on 8th August 2022. Dr. Kanchan Fulmali, Professor from Dhanukar College was invited to guide the faculty members on the same. The prime objective of the session was to give valuable insight about making and publishing the research paper. Around 20 faculty attended the session. The main objective was to guide new teachers to write the research papers.
Research cell and IQAC organized a one day Conference on “EMERGING TRENDS IN THE FIELD OF COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, SCIENCE & IT” in collaboration with ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. on Friday 27th May 2022. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. G. Soral, Past President , IIA and Professor (Dr) Arvind Lohar
Chairman, BoS in Accountancy, University of Mumbai. Two technical sessions on “Finance, Banking,Insurance & Others” and “Management, Marketing , Organizational Behaviour & Others” There was a conspicuous response to the Conference which included Academicians and Students from various colleges.
With the objective of cultivating quality research culture among teachers, research scholors and students, an online workshop Joy of Research. The session was organised on Saturday, 26th March 2022. A session on Use of Zotero for Research was conducted by Dr. Pujar, Chief Librarian at IGID (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development) and second session was conducted on framing of questionnaire by Dr. Kevin, former Pro VC of University of Kerala. A live demonstration was shown for Zotero which was highly appreciated by the audience. Further, types of questionnaire, its dimensions and its relevance was explained in detail by the resource person.
Research cell and IQAC organized one day International Conference on “Challenges and Opportunities In Digitalization in 21st Century” in collaboration with Balaji College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Pune & Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce and Science, Mumbai on Thursday 22nd April 2021. There was conspicuous response to the Conference, with 70 registrations and participants who attended the Conference which included Academicians and Students from various colleges of Maharashtra and also outside Maharashtra with resource person from Bali (Indonesia)- Mr. CokordaPramartha,
Professor - Dept. of Computer Science, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. The resource persons covered various topics related to digitalization and covid 19.
There were in all 18 Paper Presenters in both sessions.
Two joint presenters won the Best Paper Presenter Award and they were felicitated and congratulated by Dr. P.K.Poddar.
The conference was concluded with thanking all the resource persons and also presenting a complete report of the conference.
Contact Us
Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce and Science
Address :90 Feet Road,Thakur Complex,Kandivali (East),Mumbai - 400101
Contact: 022 69436400 (for Degree)